What is the name of limit gauge?
Which method of surface hardening is done in a heated salt bath?
What material is used to make radius and fillet gauge?
Transportation to some rural areas is difficult as the roads are -----------.
What is the name of the heat treatment process for reheating the hardened steel to a temperature below 400°C followed by cooling?
when multiple connections are required ______________ is used
Which special file is used for narrow work?
8 Spoken communication is not only --------------------------- but also -------------------------------------
What is the advantage of wing nut?
PowerPoint files have --------------- extension
pipe is measured by ______________ diameter
What is the expansion of (a+b+c)²?
Fix, measure, pull, lift, grind, mix, operate – are examples of
What is the formula to find Loss%?
What is the name of operation?
A series of numbers is given. You need to fill a number in the blank by understanding the pattern of the series. Fill the number in the place of the question mark: 47 48 51 60 87 ?
What is the process to refine the structure of steel component?
What is the value of 1/aᵐ?
What is the value of a x a² x a³ x a⁴ ?
What is the purpose of key?
What is the selling price if the cost price is Rs.7282/- with a profit of Rs.208?
Which finishing process have a high degree of dimensional accuracy?
which device prevent to rotating the pipes
Identify the professional networking platform from the given options.
Which type of metal screws useful for self tapping on hard or brittle materials?
How many set of feeler gauges are available as per BIS?
Jig is a tool which is used to
This jig is modified shape of template
for drilling on small jobs __________jig is used
Greetings help you to ------------.
Which material is used to clean the slip gauge?
to avoid soon marking __________ used
Which material is to wash off the lapping plate after charging?
fixture is used to __________ and locate the job
Communication within an organization is ----------------------- with superiors and can be --------------- with friends and colleagues.
The image of the cloud is often used to refer to…..
What is the profit amount, if the i - phone cost price is Rs.50000/- and selling price is Rs.70000/-?
Which key has rectangular cross section is fit into keyway cut on both shaft and hub?
What is the ratio of change in length to original length?
Why the tempering process carried out in steel?
What is the value of a²+b² if a+b=9 and ab = 20?
to connect two piece of same diameter ___________ is used
What type of abrasives are used in honing cast iron and non-ferrous materials?
Which material is used to protect slip gauge from rust?
What is the purpose of annealing in steel?
Where is circular taper key used?